International Office

Residence Titles

On this website you will find information about the residence titles, which are most often relevant for researchers and their family members.

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Despite thorough research and consultation with the Foreigners' Office in Bochum, errors or omissions may occur. We accept no liability whatsoever for the information provided here. The content on the site does not constitute a substitute for legal advice.
As of: July 2024.

Foreigners' Office in Bochum

The jurisdiction of the Foreigners' Office always depends on the place of residence.

So, if you live in Bochum, you need to apply for a residence title at the Foreigners' Office in Bochum

Here you can find an overview of the contact options for the Foreigners' Office. Please contact the office responsible for your request.

Alternatively, you can contact the Welcome Centre.

Residence titles for researchers

Work permit

Please note that any gainful employment is only permitted with a suitable work permit*! This also includes research without a contract of employment.

*Exceptions may apply to research stays of no more than 90 days within a period of twelve months for persons who can enter the country without a visa (cf. §30 BeschV (Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners)). This should be confirmed in advance by the responsible embassy.

Depending on your personal situation, you may be eligible for different residence titles. If you are entering with a visa, it should already be issued for the appropriate purpose. A change of purpose when applying for a residence title in Germany is usually only intended if the situation changes.

Residence title for the purpose of study (§16b Residence Act)

This paragraph is aimed at students and can therefore also apply to doctoral students who are enrolled in a doctoral programme. Section 18d Residence Act may also apply to doctoral students. The following applies: "Doctoral students fall within the group of section 18d Residence Act only if the dissertation is produced within the frame of an employment contract with the university. See section 19f (3) sentence 2 Residence Act" (HRK).

Residence title for the purpose of research (§18d Residence Act)

This residence title is issued for the purpose of carrying out research.
The residence title for research may also be possible for doctoral students. You can find the distinction to the residence title for studies under §16b. Please note the regulations on health insurance.

EU Blue Card (§18g Residence Act)

This residence title is aimed at qualified professionals. The prerequisite for the issuance of the EU Blue Card is a university degree as well as an employment relationship with a gross annual salary of at least 48.300€ or 43.759,80€ (as of 2025) for highly qualified persons in certain understaffed professions as well as people who have graduated from university within the last three years.

Residence Title for the purpose of job searching following a stay in Germany (§20 Residence Act) / Opportunity Card (§20a Residence Act)

After the successful completion of a university degree or the end of a research stay or an employment relationship, foreign nationals can apply for a residence title for the purpose of job searching. Which residence title can be applied for depends on the type of the previous residence title.

After a stay with a residence title in accordance with §§ 16a, 16b, 16c, 16d, 18d or 18f, you can apply for the residence title for the purpose of job searching following a stay in Germany (§20 Residence Act). If the requirements are met, the title is issued for up to 18 months and cannot be extended beyond this period.

After a stay with a residence title for educational purposes or for the purpose of economic activity not mentioned above (e.g. the EU Blue Card), you can apply for the Opportunity Card (§20a Residence Act) in Germany. It can be issued for up to 12 months and possibly extended, provided a suitable employment contract or job offer is available.

In order for both residence titles to be issued, funding must be ensured throughout.

This list of documents is currently being revised and therefore may not yet comply with the amendments to the Skilled Immigration Act of June 2024.

Residence for family reasons (§§ 27 - 36a Residence Act)

Family members of researchers can apply for a residence title for the purpose of family reunification if the requirements are met.

For information on other family members, please contact the Welcome Center.

Settlement permit for skilled workers (§18c Residence Act)

The settlement permit is a permanent residence title. If all requirements are met, the application is usually possible after five years, but many researchers have the opportunity to apply for it earlier.

You can apply for a settlement permit if

- you have been in possession of a residence title according to §§ 18a, 18b, 18d or 18g for at least three years

- you have been in possession of a residence title according to §§ 18a, 18b, 18d or 18g for at least two years and have a degree from a German university

- you currently hold an EU Blue Card and have met all the requirements for that residence title for at least 21 months

- you currently hold an EU Blue Card and have met all the requirements for that residence title for at least 27 months (requires lesser German language skills)

- you are considered a "highly qualified" specialist. This applies to scientists with special technical knowledge, or teachers in a prominent position, or scientific employees in a prominent position

  • If you wish to apply for this settlement permit, please contact the Welcome Centre.

A requirement for all applications for a settlement permit listed here (with the exception of settlement for highly qualified specialists) is proof of

  • securing a livelihood
  • pension insurance contributions paid
  • knowledge of German
  • basic knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in Germany

Collecting the residence title card

If your application for a residence title is approved at the appointment at the Foreigners' Office Bochum, you will receive a letter with further instructions on how to obtain the electronic residence permit. Please find a translation of this letter below.

Please note that there might be problems opening the required website of the city of Bochum in the campus network.

Please note that the letter regarding the electronic ID function is not your residence title. This letter merely means that your residence title has been printed in Berlin and is on its way to the relevant Foreigners' Office.

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