International Office

International Office events

The International Office offers events for students, academics and university staff: Get your bearings on campus, network with fellow students and colleagues, learn more about Ruhr University Bochum's internationalisation or ask questions regarding your studies.

Audimax mit Blumen im Vordergrund

Each semester, the RUBiss team (RUB - international student services) plans events especially for Ruhr University Bochum's international students.

Bergbaumuseum Stadt Bochum

The Welcome Centre organises each semester various informative and cultural events as well as leisure activities in Bochum and the surrounding area.

geflüchtete Bewerber lächelt und schüttelt einem potenziellen Arbeitgeber die Hand

Ruhr University Bochum prepares international students, who are about to graduate, for their entry into the German labour market.

Laptop Bildschirm mit Videokonferenz

The outbound mobility services team offers group info sessions on stays abroad, which introduce Ruhr-Universität's various exchange programmes, internships and research stays abroad as well as provide information on funding opportunities.

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