International Office
Europa Karte
Europa Karte Fäden

Before your Erasmus study abroad

Application, nomination, registration at the host university etc. - all this and more has to be done before the beginning of the Erasmus studies to make it a full success.

Application for an Erasmus study abroad

Inform yourself in advance, preferably at least one and a half years before your planned study abroad, about the Erasmus exchange with European partner universities offered by your department. You may find these in the list of Erasmus partner universities.

The responsible Erasmus departmental coordinator can inform you about the application procedure and application deadlines for Erasmus exchange places. Usually there is only one application deadline per year in the following academic year (for the winter term and summer term).

Submitting the Erasmus grant request

After receiving a place to study from your Erasmus departmental coordinator, complete the Erasmus grant request form and submit it online via the outbound portal. Subsequently, please download it and email it to your Erasmus departmental coordinator. They will then forward it to the International Office. Please note that the International Office can process your grant request only then.

Application form

Important information about the dates of your study abroad (Erasmus funding period): Please research the correct semester dates (i.e. lecture and examination periods) on the website of your host university and enter them in the online application. If you cannot find any future dates, please use the current semester dates for orientation. Please note that only lecture and examination periods at the host university can be funded under the Erasmus programme (as well as any orientation events before the start of the lecture period).

More information

Requesting Erasmus additional funding (if applicable)

Here you can find details about Erasmus additional funding.

Further information

Nomination and registration at the host university

After your Erasmus departmental coordinator has selected you for an exchange at a partner university, she:he will nominate you. Thereafter, you will be able to register at the host university as an Erasmus student.

Many universities contact their Erasmus students via email after the nomination and provide them with information on the application process. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Therefore, please check the website of the International Office of your host university for information on the application process and deadlines for "Erasmus incoming/inbound students."

Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

The receipt of the Erasmus grant depends on the Online Learning Agreement (OLA). In many cases, it is also required for registration at your host university.

In this online form you agree with your Erasmus departmental coordinators, at Ruhr-Universität Bochum as well as at your host university, on the choice of courses you will complete abroad. You are obliged to select, take and pass courses to the extent of at least 15 ECTS per term. Recommended number of ECTS: 30 per term. In order to complete the OLA digitally and to guarantee the recognition of the academic achievements from abroad at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, inform yourself about the courses offered at your host university in advance of your stay and discuss them with your Erasmus departmental coordinators.

To Online Learning Agreement

Important note: Please send a PDF version of your OLA with the signatures of all those involved (you, your Erasmus departmental coordinator at Ruhr-Universität Bochum as well as the coordinator at your host university) as soon as possible to

If you have any problems or concerns with your OLA, please contact!


Logging into your OLA

Creating your OLA

ECTS minimum requirements

In order to receive the Erasmus grant, you are obliged to select, take and pass courses to the extent of at least 15 ECTS per term, agreed upon in the Online Learning Agreement (OLA). Recommended number of ECTS: 30 per term.

If your Erasmus departmental coordinator at Ruhr-Universität Bochum or at the host university requires a certain number of ECTS which is higher than the number we specify you will have to select courses to this extent.

By signing the OLA you commit yourself to acquire at least 15 ECTS per term. It is required that the Transcript of Records, which you will receive from your host university at the end of your Erasmus study abroad, also lists at least 15 ECTS per term. If you receive less than 15 credits per term, you have to submit a statement confirmed by your Erasmus departmental coordinator at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In case the statement is not substantial, your Erasmus grant may have to be fully or partially paid back. Exceptions can only be made in justified cases of hardship. For questions, please contact the International Office.

Grant agreement

The Erasmus Grant agreement is your scholarship agreement and a very important document. It regulates your rights and obligations as an Erasmus student. Therefore you should read it thoroughly. You will receive two copies of the Grant agreement via post. Please sign one version and submit the original (!) to the International Office by the deadline. Scans will not be accepted. The second version is for your own personal records.

OLS language test

Participation in the online language test OLS is a prerequisite for the payment of the Erasmus grant. You will take the compulsory test in the language of instruction at the host university that you indicated in your online grant request form. If you have not received any information about the OLS language test by email from us, please check your spam folder. If you have not received an invitation there either, please contact the International Office.

Payment of the first scholarship installment

The first scholarship installment of 80% of the approved funding amount will be disbursed when the following conditions are met:

  • duly signed OLA sent to
  • OLS language test completed online
  • Grant Agreement (original version with wet signature) submitted
Organisational matters

Language preparation
It is of course necessary to have reasonable command of the relevant language of instruction to follow courses at your host institution. Many host universities also require a minimum level for the language of instruction and corresponding proof. Therefore it is recommendable to prepare early and take language courses, e.g. at the University Language Centre (ZFA) For further information regarding language requirements, please visit the website of your host university.

If you receive “Domestic BAföG“ or are just under the cut off point: apply for BAföG with the purpose of studying abroad! An application should be submitted at least six months before the beginning of your study abroad, however we encourage you to still give it a try!

More information (only available in German)

You can find accommodation either, if available, in a residence hall of your host university, or via the free housing market in your receiving city. Information about accommodation options and the necessary application forms can usually be found on the homepage of your host university. Please note that in some countries, such as Spain and Italy, it is common to look for accommodation on site.

Clarify with your insurance company your insurance status abroad (health, liability and accident insurance) and, if necessary, take out supplementary insurance. As an Erasmus scholarship holder, you can, for example, take out the DAAD group insurance.

More information

Leave of absence
Sometimes it makes sense to take a leave of absence, or in German a “Beurlaubung,“ for the duration of your stay abroad. You will only have to pay a small part of the social contribution fee. However, the semester ticket is not included and you are not allowed to participate in exams at Ruhr-Universität Bochum for the respective term. Nevertheless, study achievements from abroad can be transferred.

More information

Depending on your host country and nationality, you may have to apply for a visa for your Erasmus studies abroad. Please clarify visa matters in a timely manner.

More information (only available in German)

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