International Office - Internationales Profil
Netzwerk Globus
Netzwerk auf einem Globus

Networks and representations

Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) operates in global networks. Research, study and teaching, promotion of young researchers, transfer, social commitment and professional exchange do not stop at our national borders, but are oriented towards international best practice.

University level networks

RUB operates in global networks. Research, study and teaching, promotion of young researchers, transfer, social commitment and professional exchange do not stop at our national borders, but are oriented towards international best practice. Cooperation in alliances at university level serves the further internationalisation of all areas of the university in many ways.


The most important new strategic networking activity is The European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), founded in 2020 with seven other European universities, through which they position themselves jointly in teaching and research for the management of structural and social change. In UNIC, RUB is particularly responsible for the area of redesigning inter-university mobility.

In the UNIC Mobility Hub you will find all of the information regarding UNIC's mobility offers.

Visit the UNIC Mobility Hub

Worldwide Universities Network

Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is an exclusive university network that brings together 24 leading comprehensive research universities in a collaborative partnership to advance research and education on major global challenges. Capitalizing on the geographical and cultural diversity of members across six continents, WUN enriches their shared experience, and brings together distinctive constellations of talents to address problems of real significance. RUB joined WUN in 2022 as the first and only member university in Germany.

Utrecht Network

For more than 30 years, RUB has been a member of the Utrecht Network, in which 31 major European universities from 26 countries cooperate at central and decentralised levels on issues of internationalisation. The main activities of the Utrecht Network are mobility programmes for different target groups, various internationalisation projects as well as exchange and networking activities.

The Utrecht Network cooperates - especially in the area of student mobility - with two non-European networks, Mid-America Universities International (MAUI) in the USA and the Australian-European Network (AEN). Every year, RUB students get the opportunity to apply for a tuition-free placement at one of the participating MAUI or AEN partner universities. The International Office acts as the central coordinating office for both exchange programmes.

Scholars at Risk Network

As a member of the worldwide Scholars at Risk (SaR) Network, a founding member and (until 2018) as a member of the steering committee of the German section of the Scholars at Risk Network, RUB is committed to the implementation and promotion of fundamental conditions for free science, research and teaching as well as the support of endangered, displaced and refugee scientists worldwide within the framework of education and science diplomacy.

About the SAR Network

Campus in Campus Network

RUB has been a member of the international network Campus in Campus (CiC) since 2018. The network aims to promote cooperation in research, teaching and transfer between its members and is coordinated by the Japanese University of Tsukuba, a central partner of RUB. RUB is primarily involved in the following activities:

  • "Course Jukebox" platform with detailed information on about 2,800 courses.
  • Development of joint study programmes
  • Networking in research to promote joint activities of scientists and scholars
  • Promotion of global start-up ecosystem networks through exchanges between RUB's "WorldFactory" and, for example, the "Edge-Next" project at Tsukuba University.
  • Participation in the annual Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW)
"Course Jukebox“: Making student mobility easy

The "Course Jukebox" is a student mobility platform that provides detailed information on approx. 2,800 courses offered by CiC partner universities.

Students can search for courses that match their subject areas and interests and create a personalised course plan before going to one of the partner universities. Course Jukebox also includes courses that are offered entirely online and can be taken individually. This gives students who cannot be physically mobile the opportunity to experience a different culture and a new academic environment as well.

CiC partner universities
  • University of Tsukuba
  • Ruhr University Bochum
  • University of California Irvine
  • Ohio State University
  • National Taiwan University
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Utrecht University
  • Université Grenoble-Alpes
  • Université Bordeaux

UA Ruhr Liaison Offices

RUB has been part of the UA Ruhr since 2007. Under the motto "better together", it offers its researchers, together with the TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen, a wide range of opportunities for cooperation and networking, while students benefit from the large number of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes with numerous specialisation options. The international cooperation of the UA Ruhr is promoted by the liaison offices for Northern America and Eastern Europe/Central Asia, which are closely linked to the International Offices of the individual UA Ruhr universities.

German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH)

RUB is actively involved in four of the five German Houses of Science and Innovation (DWIH) worldwide - New York, Sao Paulo, Tokyo und Moscow. The DWIH serve as an information and communication platform for science and business from Germany and the respective host countries. They cooperate with a broad network of science organisations, universities, business development organisations, companies and start-ups.

Further information

Through the DWIH network, RUB networks its scientists with colleagues and representatives of important institutions in business and society n the respective regions, partly within the framework of its membership in the UA Ruhr and partly independently. This is done, among other things, through participation in local events, especially on the topics of innovation and cutting-edge research.

At the locations New York and Moscow, the UA Ruhr is simultaneously represented by its foreign offices, and in Sao Paolo it is involved from Germany as a supporter in the DWIH work. In Tokyo, RUB is active as an associated supporter. In this way, the university systematically expands its knowledge networks with and in the partner regions and at the same time presents itself as an important player in the German research and innovation landscape.

DWIH website

International profile of Ruhr University Bochum
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