We lead a weekly TELL-ME tutorial in which excerpts from lectures and exercises are explained in a more understandable way using simple language. Technical terms and drawings are clarified with the help of exercises, TELL-ME flashcards, and a picture dictionary.
Our goal can be derived from the acronym "TELL-ME" (Technical Explanations Link Learners to Mechanical Engineering) and primarily means a conscious didactic link between a technical object (part, figure) with the associated term and the learner.
TELL-ME is intended to facilitate students' entry into the study of mechanical engineering and to promote technical language communication with fellow students as well as language, reading, listening and comprehension skills for lectures and exercises as well as for exams.
TELL-ME has been active since winter semester 2017
By whom?
Mechanical engineering students from higher semesters
For whom?
International mechanical engineering students – especially foreign and refugee students who are in their first or second semester, are enrolled in the module Fundamentals of Design Engineering 1 and 2 and want to improve their German language skills (reading, speaking, listening, writing)
Dr.-Ing. A. Putzmann
Email: andreas.putzmann@rub.de
- Laila.El-Zein@RUB.de
- Wing.Lee@RUB.de
Homepage TELL-ME
Moodle course: TELL-ME Fundamentals of Design Engineering