Universität ohne Grenzen
Ehrenamtliches Engagement
Zwei Jungs trinken Kaffee und reden dabei mit einander

Volunteer Opportunities

Making connections, learning new skills and having fun - volunteering!

Volunteering means working for an organization voluntarily and without compensation. This is possible in a variety of areas - depending on your interests.

What are the advantages of volunteering?

Volunteering is a good opportunity, especially for international students with or without a refugee background, to get to meet new people and their new surroundings, to exchange ideas in German and to pursue their own interests.

In addition, volunteering can strengthen social skills and establish networks, which can later prove advantageous when applying for scholarships, internships, and future jobs.

Would you like to learn more?

If you are interested in volunteering, you can find out about various options below.

Beahead. - in Modern Psychology


Beahead. offers psychological support for refugee students. This offer consists of three pillars - psychoeducation, a mentoring program, and the project "Voices". Psychoeducation is primarily provided via Zoom meetings and through our social network channels (Instagram, Facebook, website). The mentoring program has been active since winter term 2020/21 and offers 1:1 support to interested students with refugee experiences.

By whom?

Students from the Ruhr Area

For whom?

Students with refugee experience and international students

Our Contact:

Email: project-be-ahead@rub.de
Beahead. Homepage
Beahead. Instagram

Refugee Law Clinic Bochum e.V.


Refugee Law Clinic Bochum e.V. offers legal advice on issues concerning asylum and foreigner rights. Clients come to our office hours in the city center of Bochum. Through consultation with one of the lawyers on our advisory board and our knowledge of asylum law acquired through a block seminar, we ensure that we then relay legally sound advice to our clients.

Due to the great interest of law students in working with us, we have constructed a "mentor program". More-experienced members in legal counseling can help to familiarize new members.

On site in our office, we have designed assistance for new members, such as questionnaires, which, along with our mentors, provide a guideline for client consultations. The rest develops with practice through the consultation.


Currently by appointment and exclusively online

By whom?

RUB law students - We acquire our legal knowledge through a block seminar which the Refugee Law Clinic Bochum e.V. offers once a year in cooperation with Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s law faculty.

For whom?

Refugees seeking legal advice

Our Contact:

Email: rlc-bochum@rub.de
Refugee Law Clinic e.V. Homepage

Sprachcafé Studienspur


The Sprachcafé Studienspur is organized by the International Office and is aimed at the participants (especially prospective students with a refugee background) of the preparatory program "Studienspur".

Our goal is to create a space where everyone feels welcome and where you can meet and exchange information at eye level. Every week we talk about a different exciting topic, which can range from holidays in different countries to sports and racism. The topics are prepared in advance by our team - but your suggestions are always welcome! In the evening itself you can help our team and other volunteers to moderate small groups (about 5-10 people).

Did we arouse your interest? Then come by, we are always happy to see new faces!


In the lecture period every Wednesday in presence (6-8 pm)
additional online language café appointments


Euroeck (Spechtsweg 20, 44801 Bochum)
Online: Moodle Course: Sprachcafé Studienspur

By whom?

International Office, Ruhr-University Bochum, Department of Study Preparation for prospective students with a refugee background

For whom?

All students of the Ruhr-University Bochum

Our Contact:

Hussam Al Khalaf
Email: welcome@rub.de
Telephone: 0234 32 27676
Homepage Sprachcafé Studienspur

*Please mention in your email that you would like to become a Sprachcafé Studienspur volunteer.



We lead a weekly TELL-ME tutorial in which excerpts from lectures and exercises are explained in a more understandable way using simple language. Technical terms and drawings are clarified with the help of exercises, TELL-ME flashcards, and a picture dictionary.

Our goal can be derived from the acronym "TELL-ME" (Technical Explanations Link Learners to Mechanical Engineering) and primarily means a conscious didactic link between a technical object (part, figure) with the associated term and the learner.

TELL-ME is intended to facilitate students' entry into the study of mechanical engineering and to promote technical language communication with fellow students as well as language, reading, listening and comprehension skills for lectures and exercises as well as for exams.


TELL-ME has been active since winter semester 2017

By whom?

Mechanical engineering students from higher semesters

For whom?

International mechanical engineering students – especially foreign and refugee students who are in their first or second semester, are enrolled in the module Fundamentals of Design Engineering 1 and 2 and want to improve their German language skills (reading, speaking, listening, writing)


Dr.-Ing. A. Putzmann
Email: andreas.putzmann@rub.de

  • Laila.El-Zein@RUB.de
  • Wing.Lee@RUB.de

Homepage TELL-ME
Moodle course: TELL-ME Fundamentals of Design Engineering

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
University without Borders
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