International Office - Internationalisation

Capacity Building Projects and Programmes

Capacity building projects and programs in cooperation with and at universities in the Global South are among the core activities of the worldwide social commitment of the Ruhr University Bochum, with regional focuses in the following countries and regions.

Sub-Saharan Africa/South Africa

The central hub of RUB's academic capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa in the field of sustainable development research and international development cooperation is the South African German Center for Development Research at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa (SA GER CDR). The SA GER CDR, one of the first and so far most successful “African Excellence Centers” of the DAAD, is a cooperation between the Institute for Development Research and Development Policy at RUB and the School of Government and the Institute for Social Development at the University of the Western Cape. The relevant programs of the specialist center include the three master programs MA in Development Management, MA in Development Studies and MA in Public Administration (including Second Degree Option) as well as the three PhD programs PhD in Development Studies, PhD in Public Policy and Administration and PhD in International Development Studies.

Southeastern Europe

The research capacity building projects at universities in Southeastern Europe (Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia) are promoted and coordinated by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the RUB in cooperation with other German universities. Dynamic Network (DYNET) stands for institutionalized cooperation between partners from Germany and Southeast European countries. The aim is to strengthen the research landscape in Southeast Europe. The "South East European Graduate School for Masters and PhD Formation" (SEEFORM) is a DYNET project. SEEFORM offers a structured doctoral program for doctoral students from the three Southeast European countries.


With two courses, the BSC in Mechanical Engineering and the MSC in Computational Engineering, the RUB participates in the scientific training and qualification of Vietnamese university lecturers and researchers at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU). The VGU in Ho Chi Minh City, in whose development the RUB played a key role, is one of the largest transnational universities with German participation.

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Global Engagement
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