International Office
Unterwegs sein
Weltkarte, Brille, Buch, Lupe

During your Erasmus study abroad

Although you should have already completed all of the important Erasmus formalities before you left for your Erasmus study abroad, there may be some changes to your timetable or the length of your stay that you have to deal with during your study abroad. A brief summary of what to do in these cases is provided here.

Changes to Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

It can always happen that courses are not offered as expected so that you will have to change your intended timetable. In this case please change your Online Learning Agreement (OLA) and specify which courses you cannot or do not want to take as stated originally and how you will replace them.

To Online Learning Agreement

Please make sure that you meet the minimum requirements of 15 ECTS per term!

A PDF version of your OLA with the signatures of all those involved (you, and both of your Erasmus departmental coordinators) has to be sent to


Making changes to your OLA

Extending the duration of stay

Adding a few extra days
If you realise on site that the actual lecture and/or examination period of your host university is longer than the approved Erasmus funding period in your Grant agreement, please inform RUB's International Office in due time (!).

Extending for an entire term
If you would like to extend your Erasmus study stay abroad for the following winter term, please get in touch with your RUB Erasmus departmental coordinator and apply for Erasmus for the next academic year.

If you wish to extend your Erasmus study stay abroad for the following summer term, you have to inform RUB's International Office in due time (!). A confirmation from both of your Erasmus coordinators must be submitted.

An informal email is sufficient in both cases. Please also submit the new end date of your study abroad and a renewed completed and signed (by all parties) Learning agreement for your second Erasmus term by the deadline.

Important information on the notification deadline
The pre-calculated Erasmus grant cannot be increased for a longer stay, therefore it is of the utmost importance that you inform the RUB Erasmus team at about a possible extension at least 30 days before the end of your original grant period, both for an extension of a few days and for an extension of a whole term.

Shortening the duration of stay

The minimum duration of an Erasmus study stay abroad is 90 days (an exception made for trimesters only). The Erasmus grant must be paid back if this minimum period of stay is not fulfilled.

If you realise on site that the actual lecture and/or examination period of your host university is shorter than the approved Erasmus funding period in your Grant agreement, please inform RUB's International Office immediately at

If, at the end of your stay, your host university confirms a shorter period than originally agreed upon, the Erasmus grant will be reduced accordingly and adjustments will be made to your second grant instalment.

Problems, difficulties and hardships

Sometimes getting settled in a foreign country is harder than expected. Experiencing a "culture shock" is not an unusual phenomenon, but luckily, these feelings are usually only temporary.

If you have any problems or doubts while abroad, please feel free to contact RUB's International Office, your host university as well as both your Erasmus departmental coordinators. Together we can certainly find a solution.

In cases of hardship, RUB's Psychological study counseling offers individual counseling and can provide helpful information sources.

A complete cancellation of stay

If you cannot continue your Erasmus studies due to illness or other reasons, please inform RUB's International Office and your host university as well as both of your Erasmus departmental coordinators as early as possible. In cases of justified hardship, the Erasmus grant will not be reclaimed. In cases of illness, a medical certificate must be presented.

If you have any questions, please contact

Transcript of records

As early as possible, preferably a few weeks before the end of your Erasmus study stay abroad, ask your host university when and in what form you will receive your proof of academic achievements, your Transcript of records. The Transcript of records is usually issued either by the International Office of the host university or the respective department.

Please send the Transcript of records to

Confirmation of stay

This document provides the exact dates of your stay at the host university. Based on the confirmed dates, the exact amount of your Erasmus grant will be calculated. The Confirmation of stay has to be issued no earlier than five days before the end of your study stay. It can either be completed and signed by a contact person from the International Office or your Erasmus departmental coordinator of your host university. The document is available for download on this page.

To receive the second instalment of your Erasmus grant you have to email a scanned version of the Confirmation of stay to RUB's International Office at

Second OLS language test

Depending on the language of instruction you specified in your online grant application, you will receive an invitation to take a second OLS language test. Again, a test for Turkish is so far not available.

If you do not receive an invitation to a second OLS language test before the end of your stay, it is possible that it will be sent to you shortly after your return. The receipt of the invitation email depends on the date you originally specified as the end date of your mobility in the OLS system.

If you completed the first OLS language test at level C2, the second OLS language test is not required and therefore you will not receive an invitation.

Before your Erasmus study abroad
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After your Erasmus study abroad
The next step
How to organise your Erasmus study abroad
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