International Office
Travel group camels
Tourists riding camels

PROMOS field trips

In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge, PROMOS field trips should also provide students with insights into the host country.

Next application deadline: March 1, 2025

For field trips in the funding year 2025

For 2025, there is one more deadline: June 1, 2025. For the funding year 2026, the first submission deadline will expire on November 1, 2025.

Important notes and restrictions

  • Only teaching staff can apply for PROMOS funding for field trips.
  • Important note for lecturers who organize field trips on a regular basis:

    It is not possible to receive PROMOS funding annually for identical or very similar field trips per lecturer, department or institute. An identical or very similar application per lecturer, department or institute can only be considered every second calendar year.

    This regulation is valid starting from January 1, 2025. Please note that field trips which were funded by PROMOS in 2024, taking place in a similar form in 2025 again, can unfortunately not be subsidized again in the PROMOS funding year 2025. Due to the tight PROMOS funding situation, the PROMOS selection committee of Ruhr University Bochum decided on this restriction, which is based on the DAAD's identical regulation on inbound field trips.

  • Field trips can be funded by PROMOS from a minimum of 5 up to a maximum of 15 students and/or PhD candidates and from a minimum of 5 up to a maximum of 12 days (including travel days).
  • The trip must be accompanied by at least one supervisor. She or he can also be funded.
  • In exceptional cases, organised field trips with a duration of up to 30 days that include attendance of courses at one of RUB's partner university can also be funded.
  • In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge and providing an insight into the host country, the focus should be on meeting students and academics.
  • Funding for compulsory excursions and measures that have already been carried out is excluded. Likewise, trips with a predominantly touristic programme and lecture and congress trips are not eligible for funding.
  • Non-German RUB students can be sponsored if they are enrolled with the aim of obtaining a degree at RUB.
  • Field trips in their home country, or the country in which the student has predominantly resided for at least five years. are excluded for non-German students.
  • PROMOS field trips can be funded with a per diem allowance of 45 euros per person.
  • There is no travel allowance for PROMOS field trips.
  • Groups of students from their second term and onwards in a degree programm leading to a Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen and/or doctoral students with a minimum of five to a maximum of 15 participants who are fully enrolled at RUB can be funded under the supervision of lecturers.
  • All lecturers at RUB are eligible to apply. Only persons who have German citizenship and those equivalent to Germans according to § 8 Absatz 1 Ziffer 2 ff., Absatz 2, 2a und 3 BAföG are eligible for funding.
  • Non-German RUB students can be sponsored if they are enrolled with the aim of obtaining a degree at RUB.
  • Stays in the home country are excluded for non-German students (see above).

Application documents

Application form
  • Please contact the International Office in advance if it is forseeable that you will not be able to submit all documents in due time!
  • You are also welcome to submit your application digitally (PDF) via email.
  • If you submit your application as a hard copy, please do not print on both sides and do not staple.

Download the form

Detailed description of the programme inc. timetables

Please include a description of the intended programme, including precise details of the desired visit(s) as well as detailed justification for them and a timetable. General information is not sufficient. Tourist sightseeing tours are not desired.

Outline of the preparation and follow-up work

Preparation: e.g. through compulsory attendance of a lecture or seminar etc.

Follow-up: e.g. in the form of exhibitions, lectures, publications etc.

Invitation or acceptance letter from the the host university

The official letter of invitation from the host university should state the dates of the field trip. In exceptional cases, emails may also be accepted. Please contact us in advance if there are problems with the issuing of the invitation letter.

Financial plan

Please include estimates of costs: e.g. for travel to and from an event, food, accommodation, incidental costs, etc. Please also mention considerations of additional sources of income and the participants' own contribution.

List of participants

The list can be preliminary and handed in later when available.

Current enrolment certificates of all participants

Please submit a current certificate of enrolment for each student participant. If the certificates are not yet available by the application deadline, they can be submitted later.

After the field trip

Required documentation upon your return

Please send us the following documents no later than 30 days after your field trip:

List of signatures

With their signature, all participants confirm that they have taken part in the field trip and have received PROMOS funding. Please use the template that we sent you by email together with the scholarship confirmation. Please submit the original (!) with the original signatures of all funded participants. The International Office is obliged to then forward this list to Department 4 as proof of funding.

Final report

Please include the following points in your report:

  • objectives achieved during the trip
  • activities carried out
  • any difficulties you encountered during the trip
  • any changes made to the intended programme as described in the application
  • comments from students, etc.

If possible, please also address (inter-) cultural moments and experiences during your trip.


We are looking forward to receiving impressions of your field trip! All participants can take part by submitting the following: three nice photos (preferably in portrait format) and a short, meaningful statement about their experience and impressions. By submitting the photos and the statement to the International Office, participants agree to their publication on our internet platforms (websites, Instagram, Facebook).

You can already find impressions of former PROMOS scholarship holders on these channels.

We look forward to your contribution!

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