Mission Statement

The Mission Statement RUB International 2030 serves as the basis for a university-wide internationalization strategy and will help to initiate an internationalization action plan.

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Ruhr University Bochum's international orienta­tion is anchored in its function as driving force of change in the post-industrial transition of the Ruhr region. Located in a central European metropolitan area in social and economic transformation, our university is an attractive place for intercultural ex­change and collaboration. This attracts regional as well as international talents. The diversity of our students and staff is an opportunity to excel in tal­ent development, innovation, and transfer. Inter­nationalization forms an important element of all activities at RUB. lt serves to promote excellent ed­ucation, research, transfer, operations, and societal interaction. lt also heightens the visibility and rep­utation of our university.

Learning and Teaching

Internationalization ensures and increases the high quality of learning and teaching at RUB. lt strengthens RUB's attraction as a study and re­search location. lt prepares our graduates to be­come responsible members of an increasingly in­terconnected global society and it helps them to shine in their future careers. We promote interna­tionalization in learning and teaching on and off campus, in person and digitally, at home and abroad. We grant our students a wide range of courses and curricula in English and other lan­guages. We offer a whole range of mobility oppor­tunities to encourage our students, faculty, and staff to acquire intercultural competences and for­eign language skills.

Research and Transfer

Internationalization enables and propels excep­tional research and transfer at RUB. lt enhances the university's research profile and performance. RUB supports international collaborations to fos­ter top-level research and to nurture prolific entre­preneurship and transfer. RUB recruits and pro­motes excellent young and senior researchers from all over the world. The collaboration with interna­tional scientists spurs cutting-edge research and innovation, which boosts the interdisciplinary study, research, and work environment at RUB.

Strategic Partnerships

Internationalization strengthens RUB's connec­tions with local, regional, European, and global partners. RUB builds bridges from the Ruhr re­gion to Europe and the world. We understand our­selves as part of an international knowledge com­munity and foster international cooperations and membership in selected international networks. We deepen strategic institutional partnerships and support international network activities and ex­change.

Global Engagement

Internationalization at RUB encompasses our commitment to core values of inclusion, collabora­tion, tolerance, and academic freedom. We live up to our regional, European, and global responsibil­ity to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda by promoting education for sustainable development and fostering respon­sible research, scientific integrity, and innovation to address global challenges. We strive to counter­act existing global inequalities and to contribute to the peaceful and sustainable development in the world by forming resilient reciprocal partnerships and safeguarding academic freedom.


Internationalization enriches our university cul­ture and enhances the quality of life on our cam­pus, in our city and in our region. At RUB, appre­ciation of diversity and cultural variety is lived and supported by faculty, students, and administrators alike. RUB welcomes people from all over the world who study, research, teach and work collab­oratively on our campus and contribute to the di­versity of our university community. All members of our community help to make students, research­ers, and staff from all over the world feel at home at RUB.


Please find the PDF version of the Mission Statement here:

Mission statement as PDF

Internationalization at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
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