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FIT without Borders

The “FIT without Borders” project aims to support and accompany international students from their interest in studying to their transition into the German job market.

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Foto: Mehrere Personen in blauen Talaren stehen auf dem Forums-Platz vor dem Audimax und werfen Hüte in die Luft. Die Hände sind in die Luftgestreckt, die Personen lachen und jubeln.

Project Background

  • “FIT without Borders“ is the project of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) as part of the “Campus Initiative for International Talents” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
  • The abbreviation “FIT“ stands for the promotion of international talents for integration into studies and the job market.
  • The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • The funding runs from 01 April 2024 to 31 December 2028.

Go to the Campus Initiative for International Talents of the DAAD

Goals & Target Groups

The measures of the project are primarily aimed at the academic success and labor market integration of international students. To this end, students are supported as early as the study orientation phase and are guided to academic success and the job market during the course of their studies with advisory services and special courses.

The establishment and maintenance of an internal and external university network will contribute to the success of these offers – the former primarily between administration and faculties, the latter with players relevant to the labor market. This network provides RUB students with a concrete perspective for career options after graduation and thus supports a motivated course of study.


The project is carried out in close cooperation between the International Office and Student Lifecycle Services.

Offers & Measures

As part of the “FIT without Borders” project, the following offers and measures are designed, implemented, expanded and further developed. They cover the entire path of international students at RUB – from their interest in studying to their transition into the German job market:

  • Study orientation for prospective international students
  • Onboarding courses for first-year students in English-language Master's degree programs
  • StudyFit: Study success courses for international students
  • Support for student initiatives
  • uniWORKcity: Courses on German labor market integration for international students
  • Mentoring program
  • Career counseling supported by interactive self-learning videos
  • Establishment of a labor market network of employers, cooperation partners and stakeholders
  • Offers for companies
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