The call for the Erasmus KA 171 funding line takes place once a year. Universities in a so-called programme countries that already participate in the Erasmus programme, including Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), are eligible to apply. Funding for this programme line is linked to specific countries and partner institutions, which is granted upon application. For higher education, Erasmus exchange agreements are concluded with selected partners in different countries. Depending on the partner region, mobility of students, university teachers and other university staff from partner countries to Germany (Inbound/IN) and from Germany to the partner countries (Outbound/OUT) can be funded. The mobility of students with regard to study stays (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) is supported for a period of two to twelve months. The mobility of university staff (teaching, further education and training) is supported for a period of five days to two months (60 days).
RUB has been participating in the programme line "Erasmus international mobility" since 2017. RUB's International Office coordinates the subject-related mobility projects with international partner institutions.