International Office
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StudyFit: Study success courses for international students

The study success course "StudyFit" is aimed at international students from the 2nd semester onwards in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs who want to improve their academic skills and ensure their academic success.

StudyFit is a modular program in which you choose courses yourself from 6 subject areas. In total, you will attend courses with a total of 4 SWS, divided into courses and workshops during the lecture period or block courses during the lecture-free period.

Each module is designed to address specific challenges that international students often face and provides practical strategies and resources to overcome these challenges.

The following modules are offered in the Student Success Course:

Module 1: Language

In the first module, Language, you will take German or English courses at various levels, with a special focus on technical language skills. You will improve both your oral and written expression skills in an academic environment.

Module 2: Scientific work and writing

In the second module, Scientific Work and Writing, you will learn the basics of scientific work. This includes literature research and source evaluation, structuring and writing academic texts as well as citation techniques and avoiding plagiarism.

Module 3: Consultation

Compulsory consultation at StudyFit is an essential step in helping you to identify and overcome the many challenges and problems that can arise during your studies. Counseling takes place in close cooperation with various counseling services, such as the Academic Advisory Service, the Central Student Advisory Service and the Psychological Counseling Service.

This broad and interdisciplinary consultation ensures that you receive the best possible support not only professionally, but also personally and in terms of organization. This helps you to successfully achieve your study goals and experience your time at university as positive and enriching.

Module 4: Intercultural/Social

In the fourth module, Intercultural/Social, we promote intercultural awareness and social integration on campus. Here you can take part in group activities and excursions, for example, or attend workshops on empowerment and cultural diversity.

Modul 5: Coaching Studio

In the fifth module, Coaching Studio, you have the opportunity to take part in workshops conducted in cooperation with the Psychological Student Advisory Service. You will learn important soft skills such as speaking in front of groups or efficient communication, but also tackle topics such as procrastination, lack of time management or stress management. With this knowledge, you will create the basis for a more successful course of study.

Module 6: Framework conditions for living and studying in Germany

The sixth module, Framework Conditions for Living and Studying in Germany, offers you an orientation on the legal framework, such as residence permits and work permits, but also covers topics such as financing your studies and scholarships.

How does it work?

You choose the courses you are most interested in from the various modules, whereby consultation with the International Office and participation in the group activities is compulsory.

What are the benefits of the Study Success Course?

After a successful participation you will receive a certificate attesting to the skills and knowledge you have acquired. This certificate can be an advantage for future job applications and professional activities.

Moreover, by participating in the course you will feel more confident in your studies, be able to apply the strategies and resources you have learned and thus continue your studies at RUB (more) successfully!


Registration takes place via Moodle. The password is: Studienerfolg

The registration deadline is 28.03.2025 (inclusive).

As the course has a participant limit, we cannot accept registrations after this date. You are welcome to participate in StudyFIT in the winter semester 2025/26.

StudyFit Moodle course
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