International Office - News
Mädchen mit Armen hoch vor Bergkulisse
Mädchen mit Armen hoch vor Bergkulisse

Free Exchange Places at Partner Universities Worldwide in the Summer Semester 2022

There are still many places available, especially in Latin America. Apply now for your study abroad experience next summer!

Application deadline: 15 June 2021

Applications are still open for the following universities:

Russia and Belarus


Belarusian State University (BSU) in Minsk offers our students a scholarship of about EUR 90 per month.


Admission to Lomonosov Moscow State University requires a grade point average of 2.0 or better.

To attend classes in English, you need English language skills at B2 level (IELTS 6.0).

To attend classes in Russian, you need Russian language skills at B2 level / TORFL-II.

To take Russian language courses, you need Russian language skills at A2 level / TBL.

France (non-Erasmus)

The University of Tours offers our students a scholarship of 500 EUR per month.

Please make sure to check if your field of study is offered at the University of Tours. There might be subject restrictions.

For medical students an exchange is unfortunately not possible.

Please note that the semester times in France differ from those at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Languages of instruction: French/English

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Going Abroad - From Bochum into the World!
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