Excursion to the Dechenhöhle Letmathe

The guided tour in the Dechenhöhle is in English.

You will get a guided tour through one of the most extraordinary stalactite caves in all of Germany! Stalagmites and stalactites, stalactite columns and glittering crystals in clear water pools make their way through the cave. Here you can take a look at what awaits you: www.dechenhoehle.de



Meeting place

At 10:00 a.m. in the entrance hall at the main station in Bochum


Without ESN-Card 3,50 Euro, with ESN-Card 3,00 Euro


Every Tuesday during our events office hours: 09:30-11:30 a.m. in SSC 1/225.

Please get a waiting card at the SSC reception for "Events for International Students".

Also on the following days:

16.11.2023, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, room SSC 1/229

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