International Office - Internationalisation

Partnerships and cooperations

In order to advance research, teaching and transfer/societal engagement through international networking and to facilitate international exchange, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) enters into central university-wide partnerships and scientific cooperation agreements.

Weltkarte mit Fähnchen

In our database you will find information about all contractual international partnerships of the RUB. The database can be searched by specific terms, besides there are filters for countries and partner universities, RUB institutions, cooperation frameworks and contents.

Further cooperation agreements

RUB has been active in the Erasmus programme since it was launched by the European Union. Today, RUB cooperates with over 350 Erasmus partner universities European-wide.

RUB is involved in several major transnational education projects, where it assumes responsibility internationally, establishes its own or joint degree programmes, and cooperates intensively with partner institutions and funding organisations.

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung einer Weltkugel.
Global engagement partnerships
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International profile of Ruhr University Bochum
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