International Office

Course Catalogues

Depending on the partnership agreement, you can use the various course catalogues below to put together your timetable and thus complete your Learning Agreement. If necessary, your subject coordinator can also provide assistance in choosing your courses.

Here we have compiled an overview of the course catalogues for you.

Complete course catalogue

Here you can find an overview of all of the courses offered at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

International course catalogue

In our international course catalogue, you will find courses (both seminars and lectures) instructed in English and other languages offered by various RUB faculties and accessible to exchange students.

German courses and other language courses

The Department of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) offers free German courses of various language levels during the semester.

For further information on DAF courses and course registration:

Furthermore, you can take various language courses at the University Language Centre (ZFA).

For more information ZFA courses and course registration:

Please note: as course places are limited, participation cannot be guaranteed in advance. We therefore recommend that you do not include German and other language courses as mandatory courses in your Learning Agreement.

UA Ruhr course catalogues

As a student of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, you also have the opportunity to attend courses at the other UA Ruhr universities in Dortmund and in Duisburg/Essen:

Organising your studies
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