International Office
Protecting and promoting the freedom and courage to think
Protecting and promoting the freedom and courage to think

Scholars at Risk Public Lecture Series

Not only in times of war or conflict, as currently in Ukraine, are scholars worldwide silenced, persecuted, unjustly imprisoned and/or tortured, but even in times of peace and simply because of their research and public engagement.

Given the critical importance of science and engaged scholarship to society, an attack on an individual scholar and on academic freedom - wherever und however it may occur - is an attack on all of us.

Because of this, researchers from RUB and from our European and global university networks come together to share experiences and best practices with regards to protecting and promoting at risk scholars, not only in times of war and on our campus, but also in times of peace and worldwide.

In so doing, we will not only jointly debate and critically reflect upon the different threats to academic freedom and engaged scholarship around the world but we will also critically discuss and reflect upon different concepts and understandings of academic freedom and academic responsibility in global perspective.

Upcoming Scholars at Risk Public Lectures
  • At the moment no upcoming lectures

Scholars at Risk Public Lecture and Scholars at Risk Adovacy Seminar

The Scholars at Risk Public Lecture Series is a new addition to the Scholars at Risk Adovacy Seminar this Summer Term.

As part of the seminar, RUB students, lecturers and researchers from across the discplines and together with the Scholars at Risk Network in New York advocate for endangered and unjustly imprisoned students and scholars.

Patron of the seminar, which is organised by the International Office of the RUB, is the Rector of RUB, Prof. Dr. Martin Paul.

Scholars at Risk European Student Advocacy Days 2022

The European Student Advocacy Days 2022 bring together students and faculty from SAR's student advocacy seminars from across Europe to exchange and train on best practices in advocacy on behalf of imprisoned scholars.

This year's event will consist of a series of exciting online events from Ruhr University Bochum, University of Padova as well as MCI Management Center Innsbruck, which are also open to the public.

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